Disabled Parking Bay Information

Rivenhall Parish Council

Serving the communities of Rivenhall and Rivenhall End in the Braintree District in the County of Essex

Clerk to the Parish Council

Mr Keith P. Taylor 23 Mersey Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 1LL

Tel: (01376) 516975

Email: parishclerk@rivenhallparishcouncil.net

Website: www.rivenhallparishcouncil.net



Information from Essex County Council dated 31st October 2012.


Who can apply for a disabled parking bay?

Residents with a Blue Badge who need a parking bay marked on the street outside their home to help reduce the distance they need to walk to get to their vehicle.

Apply for a disabled parking bay.

You can apply for a residential parking bay by calling ECC on 0845 603 7630 or by emailing blue.badge@essex.gov.uk

When you apply, you will be asked:

  • for an up-to-date Blue Badge and confirmation your vehicle is registered to your address
  • a photocopy of your vehicle registration document or mobility vehicle lease agreement
  • if you have off-street parking, a driveway or garage at your property
  • whether you require side or rear access to your vehicle.

You may not be eligible if:  

  • you have off-street parking available to you
  • you do not have a vehicle registered at your address
  • your Blue Badge is nearing its expiry date.

How long will the process take?

From application to completion can take up to six months.

Where will the bay be placed?

ECC will consider whether there is a location where a parking bay can be safely placed and tell you and your neighbours of the proposed location. You and your neighbours will then have 21 days to comment on the position of the bay.

ECC Highways has to consider the needs of all road users as well as the safety of the applicant.

ECC will not normally place advisory bays:

  • anywhere that would be a danger to you or other road users
  • opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction
  • in a residential turning head
  • in a Clearway/No Stopping Restriction of any kind
  • where there is a Residential Permit Holder scheme in place.

How to apply for changes to an existing bay.

If you wish to request a change to a bay such as re-lining, an extension to the bay or the implementation of a traffic regulation order ECC will check that you have an up-to-date Blue Badge and ask you to send them your vehicle registration document or mobility lease agreement registered at your address.

Placed on the PC website March 2014